Friday, January 11, 2013


I've been on a rage recently working on new installments to Volumes of Secret Constellations.  About half of the new ones are actually new mixes, the other half are older that just needed to have a song added here and there and sequenced.  I'm not sure where the recently burst of mixology came from.  When you find yourself still awake at one in the morning on a Thursday night finishing up the third mix of the night, you just kind of go with it.

Here is the updated list:

073-Led Zeppelin
075-Neil V
076-Boston Spaceships
078-Bob Mould
081-Blue Oyster Cult
084-Crooked Fingers
085-The Doors
088-Taking Heads

086 & 087 are also sequenced like rock operas.  Seriously.  Here is the working cover for 087:

Photo credit to my wonderful and talented wife!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Let The Bad Times Roll

This past September the stage was set for a great night out on the town for my wife and I.  Our favorite band Guided By Voices were playing in downtown Dayton at a new festival that featured a bunch of other bands we were excited about seeing.  We waited patiently all summer, very excited about what was sure to be a great night.

The night rolled around and here is how we spent it:

We spent the night in the kitchen eating orzo and listening to long forgotten hits of the 90's on spotify.  Well that, drank a lot.  You see, an incredibly evil insurance company* I won't name saw to it that we couldn't afford to attend.  They required us to do some work on the house that completely wiped out our budget to attend the concert.  Then they dropped us the next month.  Excuse me, I am going to take a break because I need to take a deep breath.

Okay, my blood pressure is returning to normal.  I'll continue.

So we missed perhaps our last chance to see Guided By Voices (note GbV: please tour again).  Pretty horrible story, right?  So why even write about the whole ordeal?  Because it turned out being a great night.  I had a great time singing Everclear songs with my wife in our kitchen.  It was instance where my wife saw I was pretty down and wouldn't allow me to dwell on negative things I can't control.  She took it upon herself to help make the night a good one.  Sure, at the time I was pretty bummed.  But looking back I remember it being a pretty great time.

  *-I will give a hint, it rhymes with the college in Indiana that David Letterman attended.  Fuckers.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Digging For Something

I started using Fitocracy exactly six months ago.  I wasn't sure how much I would use it at first, but I must say I really enjoy tracking my progress every day.  In that time I have collected 122,200 points and have reached level 29.  Not bad!  I celebrated by digging out my favorite workout shirt and listening to AC/DC, Superchunk, and the Bee Gees.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Stairway to the Stars

Blue Oyster Cult has come up in conversation a couple times in the last month or so.  Unfortunately, they've been getting kicked around a little bit.  I find this unacceptable and will use this post to honor BOC.  There is no two ways about it: They rule.  My wife has a joke that their greatest hits album is only one song long.  I offer up this list up in defense:

1. She's As Beautiful As a Foot
2. Stairway to the Stars
3. Astronomy
4. The Red & The Black
5. Flaming Telepaths
6. Career of Evil
7. This Ain't The Summer of Love
8. Harvester of Eyes
9. Fire Of Unknown Origin
10. Before the Kiss, A Recap

A great top ten and I didn't even mention their two biggest hits or  how incredible their album covers are.  The defense rests, and I now consider this case closed.