Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Awaiting Terror Twilight

On Saturday I went up to West Jefferson to see my good friend George Dustin Combs play. I used to play with GDC in the legendary Kid Gruesome back before electricity was invented. Anyway, it was great hearing some of the old jams like "Fallen Angels Wings." I also like his new(ish?) "Johnny Cash Is Dead." Check out his myspace to hear some of his tunes:


I had threatened to blog from the concert (free wi-fi with purchase!) but pre-gaming for the gig was more important. Honestly, I firmly believe that pre-gaming for anything is very important.

I got the new Pavement Brighten the Corners re-issue this past week. First off, I must say that Matador has done a fantastic job with these re-issues. I always thought that this album was underrated, so it is nice to see it getting the full two disc treatment. So many fantastic songs, but I think my favorite is "Starlings of the Slipstream." Man, that one gets me everytime. I always liked "Transport Is Arranged" because it reminds me of Abbey Road for some reason. I am probably the only person who thinks that.

My only complaint is that it does not have "For Sale! The Preston School of Industry" on it. I guess I'll just have to wait for the Farewell Horizontal re-issue.

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