Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bold New Directions?

I've been tossing around a lot of "themed" based shows recently and have come up with a couple of good ones. Inspired by this very blog (see the New York trip), I have decided to put my iPod on shuffle and use the results for a radio show. The flow of the show may not be as smooth, but I am interested at what corners of my collection will be brought out. This show will probably be the next one posted due to the relative ease such a show would take.

I am also looking at having a performance by a local band and having them pick some of their own favorites out to play on the show. This is still in the planning stages as I have to figure out exactly what equipment will be needed to do this. I am excited about these shows, as I think they will enhance the Perfectly Lethal experience.

I have also toyed with the idea of having a guest host for the show. Not sure if anyone would be interested, but I like the idea of the show having a different perspective other than my own.

And last, I would like to play full albums and discuss them in between songs. I have a couple of ideas for albums to feature, but would like to know what people are interested in hearing. I don't necessarily want to play and talk about Alien Lanes if no one is remotely interested in hearing about that album. So, any suggestions for albums you would like to hear me tackle?

1 comment:

John said...

I know a band that would love to do this!!!