Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There Hides the Cowboy

If you have caught the show in the past month you have no doubt figured out that I am in the middle of a huge Glen Campbell kick. I will not try to put in words how great he is because I will just end up embarrasing myself. The man just rules. Now there is news of his final album in which he will be doing another Paul Westerberg song (he did "Sadly Beautiful" on his last one), and "Hold On Hope."

Honestly, I am excited about this news. It is no secret that Bob Pollard is a huge Jimmy Webb and Glen Campbell fan. In fact, I always thought that "Death of the Party" was Bob's attempt to write "Rosecrans Boulevard." That doesn't even begin to make since. Anyway, this must be a great honor to him. The song isn't my favorite in the GbV canon, but then, I never thought it was very bad either. Certainly not as bad as "The Flame."

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