Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Heard a Rumor

Be sure to check out the good doctor's myspace page next Sunday. Good sources tell me that he is planning on sharing some gifts in honor of St. Nick's Day.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thank You Friends

As I did on Halloween, I have made a special show for Thanksgiving. The basic theme is packing the hour with my favorite songs. It is a gift of sorts to you, the listener. You can thank me later.

Other than that, Thanksgiving has been pretty low key. In fact, it is 6 and I haven't even had a piece of turkey yet. Instead, here is a run down of how I have spent my favorite holiday:

-Apart from my wife, as she is working
-Breakfast with my family
-3 loads of laundry
-Running the sweeper
-Making hard boiled eggs
-Reading 60 pages of a book
-Watching about ten minutes of football. Could they have picked two worse games for the day?

Turkey and Pumpkin Pie is coming soon.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Catching Up

I've got a bunch of smaller things I've wanted to post but have not gotten around to them lately. So here is a run down of what has been going down in the Perfectly Lethal Universe:

The listening numbers for the station have been the highest since I started the station. I am getting listeners from all over the place and it seems like people are returning after finding the station. This is wonderful! As always, any feedback is appreciated, even if it is something like "Quit playing Krautrock!"

Speaking of Krautrock, I am going to try not to use that term any longer. I like the term Kosmic Music better, so thus forth it shall be referred to as such. I am still blazing away at the list I am collecting from and digging it more and more with each new album.

College basketball has started! This is my favorite time of year. As I did last week, I will probably babble about the Dayton Flyers at length at times on the show. I apologize, but much like the Kosmic Rock situation, this will not be changing. They are off to a good start and play Villanova today. Should be a good game. GO FLYERS!!

I've been watching a ton of movies of late. Yesterday I woke up feeling pretty awful as it seems the season change has finally caught up with me. Thankfully, Turner Classic had The Philadelphia Story on. What a delightful movie. My wife and I also watched Alfred Hitchcock's Rope, a movie I hadn't watched in about a decade or so. It is not one of his classics, but it is definitely worth watching if you haven't seen it. We also watched The Magnificent Ambersons and The Third Man recently. Wonderful, wonderful stuff. I started Days of Wine and Roses last night as I went to sleep. Jack Lemmon may be my favorite actor of all time.

I was planning on having a guest host show up soon. Because of how I've been feeling lately, I am going to have to push this back, but look for this to happen soon. I always like having another voice on the show other than my own to bring another perspective to the show.

Has there been a more meaningless Ohio State-Michigan football game? Ohio State is going to the Rose Bowl and has won at the very least a share of the Big Ten Title. They could lose tomorrow by 50 points and it wouldn't matter whatsoever. Michigan is playing for a bowl bid, but even then, it can't possibly be anything worth the trip. I know that they are playing for bragging rights, which is a big deal in a rivalry such as this one. I just can't imagine getting as excited as in years past. I will probably change my mind when the game starts tomorrow.

And finally, I find nothing more annoying than people who think they are the center of the universe. Instead of going about in this manner, maybe you should try bringing something, anything really, to the table.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Well, this time it took 26 shows, but I have finally repeated a song on the station. What is even worse is that I went back and double checked the database to make sure that I hadn't already played the song. I vaguely remember playing the song, but I had thought it was on the old show. It was actually show #4 of the new show, and now you get to hear it again! As always, though, I am not going to say which one it is. What fun would that be?

My iTunes is being a giant turd lately and it has been a total chore to upload music to it. I was hoping to produce another show today, but I've already been at this for a half hour and haven't even started due to these issues. I don't really have a ton of things to do today, but my patience is wearing very thin. Plus, it is way to early to start drinking in order to deal. Or is it?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

He Was Also Dumbledore

Due to Live365 providing more storage for users, I have added three more shows to the rotation this week without having to take anything off. Also, I believe there is enough room for another show. This makes for a possible ten show play list, meaning the repetition of the station should go down. I think this is great and will make for an even greater listening experience.

I have also produced a few more promos to break up the shows a little bit. A special shout out to the brilliant comedy duo Scharpling and Wurster for one of the bits that I used. If you are unfamiliar with Scharpling and Wurster and love comedy, then seriously check them out. The Gorch is one of the funniest things I have heard in my life.

So how am I rewarding, you, the listener, with this change? By adding a song that was once voted the worst song of all time. I am not going to tell you the song, but the artists once played Dumbledore, hence the title of this entry.